Applications to enhance your business


Remote tracking software that allows the customer to track the recovery truck when it is on it's way, reducing the time spent on follow up calls.

You can use ResQtrac to provide significant benefits to your recovery business and your customers;
  • Customers track the journey of the recovery operator from their smartphone, leaving them feeling safe, secure and informed.
  • You can send the customer reassuring messages throughout the entire recovery process.
  • No more follow up calls and wasted time in your control room.
  • Give your customers peace of mind and an improved customer experience. 
  • Say goodbye to the need for constant follow up calls and hello to a more efficient recovery process.
ResQtrac sends an invitation from your RMS system to your customer which lets them track your progress in real time on a map.
You can add this app to your account via your Customer Self Service Portal by following these steps or watch the video:
  • Step 1  Login to your CSSP

  • Step 2  Go to the menu on the left hand side and select RMS

  • Step 3  Go to the Extras section

  • Step 4  Go to the item ResQtrac and click on enable

  • Step 5  Click on the enable button on the 'Confirm Feature Enable' pop up

Open Customer Portal

Reg Lookup

Look up the vehicle details held by the DVLA which can assist you in selecting the correct recovery vehicle required.

Unsure of the exact spec of a vehicle? Save time looking, use Reg Lookup to find the details for you.
Simply add the vehicle registration number into the app to look up your vehicle details.
You can add this app to your account via your Customer Self Service Portal by following these steps or watch the video:
  • Step 1 Login to your CSSP

  • Step 2 Go to the menu on the left hand side and select RMS

  • Step 3 Go to the Extras section

  • Step 4 Go to the item Reg Lookup and click on enable

  • Step 5 Click on the enable button on the 'Confirm Feature Enable' pop up

Open Customer Portal


Sends a message to the customer with a link that will show you their exact location at that time, saving you time searching for them.

PinPoint is the indispensable app that will locate your broken down customers for you
  • Customers receive a link from the Recovery Operator to geolocate their location.
  • They feel reassured knowing that their exact location is known and recovery is on its way. 
  • The Recovery Operator receives the exact location of the customer at that time saving wasted time driving to possible other locations.
PinPoint sends a message to the customer with a link which geolocates their exact location at that time.  They click on the link and it send the location details back to the Recovery Operator.
You can add this app to your account via your Customer Self Service Portal by following these steps or watch the video:
  • Step 1  Login to your CSSP

  • Step 2  Go to the menu on the left hand side and select RMS

  • Step 3  Go to the Extras section

  • Step 4  Go to the item PinPoint and click on enable

  • Step 5  Click on the enable button on the 'Confirm Feature Enable' pop up

Open Customer Portal

Workshop PDA App

Go paperless in your workshop. The workshop PDA App gives you electronic and fully customisable inspection sheets tailored to your customers needs and DVSA approved.

The Workshop App allows technicians to receive and input their daily work onto a PDA App that will save to the main RMS software.
  • No more paper forms
  • Information stored more effectively and efficiently
  • Technicians can see their daily jobs on the App
  • You can add photos and notes to each job 
The Workshop App shows all of the workshop tasks that have been allocated to the technician for that day. There are three types of job;

1. Labour
2. MOT

For both of the above job types, Technicians enter vehicle details, start and end time of the job, job description and labour description.

3. Safety Inspection

This allows the control room to keep tabs on progress. When the inspection sheet is sent from the PDA it will go to the main desktop system for any rectifications to be noted.

The 'check items' are customisable to the items your company want to check.

The workshop app also has the functionality to allow the technician to clock on or off shift, and access their employee portal. 

You can add the licenses you require for this app to your account via your Customer Self Service Portal by following these steps or watch the video:
  • Step 1  Login to your CSSP
  • Step 2  Go to the menu on the left hand side and select RMS
  • Step 3  Go to the Licenses section
  • Step 4  Go to the item Workshop PDA Licenses and insert number required.
  • Step 5  You must then download the Apex RMS Workshop app software to your Android device, by either opening the browser in your android tablet and go to:
    or you can find the PDA Android installer on our website: scroll down to Software Downloads and select Android Installer for RMS. Once downloaded, you will be asked to enter your installation code, this is a six-digit code that can be found in the menu screen of RMS.

Once installed you will be asked to register your device in RMS, this can be done in the main recovery or workshop screen, go to set up,, then workshop and workshop PDA List. Here you will see the device in the list, and you can activate by adding a device name along with the phone number is there is one, and ticking the Active box.  Your Workshop PDA is now ready to go.

Open Customer Portal

Vehicle Tracking

Allows tracking of your fleet vehicles.

Create efficiencies in your Control Room and improve work planning. 

Add Tracking to your software to enable you to track your fleet of vehicles and drivers at all times in real-time.

This allows fleet managers and control room operators to monitor the real-time and accurate location of vehicles, track their movements, and gather valuable insights about their fleet's performance and efficiency.

Our system uses GPS technology to track each vehicle in the fleet, allowing for real-time updates on each vehicle's location, speed, and direction of travel. This information, including an integrated mapping feature, can be viewed on a centralised control room dashboard, providing a comprehensive overview of the entire fleet at a glance.

Tracking on your PDA's will show your vehicles in your control room
In addition to location data, our system can also provide status updates for each vehicle.
This could include information such as whether the vehicle is currently in use, the job it is assigned to, its estimated arrival time at its destination, and more.
Tracking can assist in optimizing resource allocation, as dispatchers can easily see which vehicles are currently available and which are in use.
You can add this app to your account via your Customer Self Service Portal by following these steps or watch the video:
  • Step 1  Login to your CSSP

  • Step 2  Go to the menu on the left hand side and select RMS

  • Step 3  Go to the Licenses section

  • Step 4  Go to the item Tracking Licenses and click amend, click the number of licenses required and click update

  • Step 5  Check the box and then click on confirm


Communicate with your broken down customers and also as a reminder function for Workshop.

Unlock SMS functionality in your Apex RMS account for easier communication with customers
  • Offers seamless communication.
  • Send texts to your customers and staff, create templates and log messages.
  • You can also use SMS for customer reminders and internal communication as well as sending a feedback request per job, if required.
To use the Feedback function on RMS, click on the Setup button in the recovery screen and towards the bottom of the dropdown you will see “Customer Feedback SMS”.
You can add this app to your account via your Customer Self Service Portal by following these steps or watch the video:
  • Step 1  Login to your CSSP

  • Step 2  Go to the menu on the left hand side and select RMS

  • Step 3  Go to the Extras section

  • Step 4  Go to the item SMS Messaging and click on enable

  • Step 5  Click on the enable button on the 'Confirm Feature Enable' pop up

Video Vehicle Report Function

Allows the driver to do a video walk around of the vehicle to compliment images and digital VCRF reducing damage claims.

Add the Vehicle Video Condition Report function to your software, to help reduce damage claims
  • Deter suspicious damage claims by combining a video of the vehicle with the condition report and images.
  • Very useful to record prestige or high value vehicles. 
  • Adding a video protects you as a  professional recovery driver and your employer as a professional recovery operator.
  • The more comprehensive the check, the more confident your customer will feel in the recovery operator.
When a driver is 'on Scene' they will get a pop up message on their PDA, telling them to use the video function.
You can add this video function to your account via your Customer Self Service Portal by following these steps or watch the video:
  • Step 1  Login to your CSSP
  • Step 2  Go to the menu on the left hand side and select RMS

  • Step 3  Go to the Extras section

  • Step 4  Go to the item VVRF and click on enable

  • Step 5  Click on the enable button on the 'Confirm Feature Enable' pop up

Open Customer Portal

For more information on these applications, contact us at or add them to your account via your Customer Self Service Portal.

For further information, call us on 0203 195 6757 or email

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Apex Networks

Apex Networks is an innovative software house providing IT systems and services to the automotive industry including motor breakdown, patient transport and automotive glazing management packages.

Certificate Number 21544

Contact Us

+44 203 195 6757
Open: 9am - 5.30pm. Monday - Friday
Apex Networks Ltd, 2 Ozengell Place, Ramsgate, Kent. CT12 6PB

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